Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Too Much To Handle

In my dyad experience, sometimes I feel like my teacher has too much on her plate. What I mean is, that when my cohort partner and I are in class with her, we do A LOT of work. Whether it's setting up for a lesson, making copies, passing things out, taking over the class, working individually with students, working with groups, grading, etc. etc.... It's hard for me to believe that she gets all of this done when we aren't there to help. I want to talk to her about how she manages this class and all that it entails when she is alone, but don't want to offend her in my asking. I think she realizes that she has us both do a ton of work for her and sometimes she will apologize for it, but I just want to know how it is possible to run her class with just her from what I've seen.

There are some students that require a lot of special attention in this class having a large amount of ELL students as well as a few behavioral children that don't participate in anything unless worked one on one with. They are able to benefit from classtime when my cohort member and I are there able to work with them, but my teacher does not have enough time to give them a lot of one on one when we are not. I'm wondering how to address this with my teacher without being misunderstood.

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